GroovePages VS ClickFunnels – Which Is The Best Tool? Full Detailed Honest Review

GroovePages Vs ClickFunnels Comparison & Honest Review 2021

Hey guys! Welcome to My Honest GroovePages Vs ClickFunnels comparison and honest review blog. If you are looking for the best page and funnel builder, then I bet you are at the correct place. There are lots of page and funnel builder software out there in the online market.

But when it comes to the best of the best there are only two professional page builders that are above the rest and they are – GroovePages and ClickFunnels. Like there is only one king in the jungle, similarly, there can be only one “Best Page Builder”.

Whether it is GroovePages Or ClickFunnels, we will find that out at the end of this GroovePages Vs ClickFunnels article. I am going to compare these two in detail to make your decision easier in selecting the best one.

But before we go ahead straight into the comparison, we must know what exactly is a page builder and why do we need the best one for our online business.

What Is A Page or Funnel Builder?

Page builders are web-based application that helps you in creating a landing page or a website using drag ‘n’ drop feature without having the knowledge of coding and page designing. You don’t need to have any previous knowledge or skills to get started with page builders. If you can use a computer you can use page builders.

And using the same page builder you can also create funnels for your products.

But why do we need page builders like GroovePages or ClickFunnels?

What’s the importance?

I got you!

Importance Of A Page Builder

The answer for that is pretty simple – if you have an online or offline business you need page builders. Let me elaborate!

If you want to take your business to the next level or you want to completely dominate your competitors you should consider running an online business as well.

With these page builders, you can design any website, landing page, eCom store, or literally anything that your product or service is all about. Whether it is a digital product or physical.

With the help of funnel builder, you can create high converting funnels for your product or service. Funnels are like value ladders that your prospects go through.

The Value Ladder

With each step, you show your prospect an offer. As the prospect keeps climbing and keeps buying your offer you have a chance of making more sales and hence more $$$$$

GroovePages Vs ClickFunnels Overview

About GroovePages

GroovePages is a new page and funnel builder software. GroovePages is a part of a suite of software applications called GrooveFunnels now known as And it is created by Mike Filsaime.

  • Read My Full Review Here

It includes amazing apps like shopping kart called, GrooveKart. Email Autoresponder called GrooveMail any 19 others. It is a powerhouse of features and ensures that your pages load very fast because they use the Google cloud platform. Anyone can use GroovePages as it only makes use of the drag n drop feature. You don’t need any technical skills for that.

This suite is developed by the team who created WebinarJam and GotoWebinar.

About ClickFunnels

ClickFunnels is a top-ranked one-stop sales funnel builder. It is proven time and again as a boon to business owners as it helps in automating the sales process. People who have ambitious minds and have unique ideas for their business will benefit hugely from ClickFunnels.

The best part about ClickFunnels is that even a complete newbie and nontechnical users can use it with ease. It does not require any coding or designing skills. You can use ClickFunnels to create landing pages, opt-in pages, membership sites, webinars, and much more.

GroovePages Vs ClickFunnels – Complete Feature Beakdown

ClickFunnels Complete Features

  • Easy Drag and Drop Visual Editor – This feature allows you to design any kind of page from scratch by just dragging and dropping widgets that you want to use. You can customise individual elements, change the format of pages, change text and rebrand colour.
  • Website Hosting – With ClickFunnels you don’t need to look out for third party domain hosting. You just have to select which domain you want to connect with your sales funnel and it will be connected in few seconds.
  • High Converting Themes & Templates – This is the best part of ClickFunnels. They just don’t give easy to use sales funnel builder but they also provide you with sales funnel builder templates that are battle tested and proven to convert for almost all niches. You just have to select the correct fit for your page, customize it and you are ready to go.
  • Split Testing – In online business you can never be sure what works and what not. That’s why it is recommended to keep testing your sales funnel and optimise it on a continual basis. That’s why ClickFunnels gives you the ability to test your funnels for yourself. So that you can keep the funnel which converts best for you.
  • Conversion Tracking – As an online business owner you would definitely want to know how many people are converting in your sales or landing page. That’s how you know whether that page is converting or not. With ClickFunnels you have access to all those vital marketing analytics.
  • Email Autoresponder – Email marketing is the most important piece of the puzzle. It helps you to follow up with your prospects and build a good relationship with them and also upset to existing customers. That’s why with ClickFunnels you are also getting an email marketing software.
  • Membership Sites – This is one the best ways to generate recurring income for your business. And ClickFunnels allows you to easily and quickly build a beautiful, high converting membership sites.
  • Shopping Cart – With ClickFunnels you also get access to shopping cart integration.

Some More Features:

  • Easy to implement sales funnels
  • API Connectors
  • Multi-Currency
  • Campaign Analysis
  • Visitor Tracking
  • Communication Management
  • Web Forms
  • Keywords & Tags
  • Contact List Segmentation
  • ActionScore Lead Scoring
  • Event triggered emails
  • Subscribers collection & management
  • Insert Graphical Content
  • Email performance tracking
  • Affiliate tracking & management
  • Multi-channel communication
  • Contact database
  • Campaign promotion management
  • Direct mail management
  • Email notifications
  • Rule-based workflow
  • Sales management
  • Mailing list management
  • Sales trend analysis
  • Referral tracking
  • Text messages
  • SEO management
  • Social media integrations
  • Scheduled emails
  • Message editing tools
  • Third party integration
  • Delivery tracking
  • Monitor web traffic
  • Website management
  • ERP integration
  • Conversion rate optimization
  • Click-through tracking
  • Customer activity reporting
  • User activity monitoring
  • Dashboard for monitoring business KPIs

GrooveFunnels Complete Features

GroovePages is a powerful page builder that uses a very progressive and constantly updating JavaScript framework VUE, unlike other page builder softwares that use old framework like Bootstrap. The 805 of the code generated by GroovePages gets loaded on the browser very quickly. Here are the features of GroovePages:

  • Drag-and-drop design
  • Customized coding
  • Full control and customization – GrooveStyle Editor
  • Conversion Funnels
  • Landing Pages
  • Blocks
  • Pop-ups that grab attention
  • Webinar Funnels
  • A/B Testing
  • Free hosting and bandwidth
  • Superbly designed templates
  • Popular brand websites
  • Several integrations
  • Countdown timers
  • Royalty-free images, and many more.
  • Some of the upcoming features of GroovePages are – GrooveSell, with a shopping cart to sell services, digital products, e-courses, etc.
  • Premium add-ons and extra features of GroovePages are – GrooveMail, WebinarGroove Automated, GrooveMember, GrooveBlog, GrooveSurvey, GrooveCalendar, GrooveDesk, GrooveVideo


  • Email Integrations – You can integrate GroovePages with all other autoresponders out there in the market.
  • Payment Gateway Integration – GroovePages can be integrated with all famous payment gateways.

GroovePages Vs ClickFunnels – Template Comparision


GroovePages is relatively new as compared to ClickFunnels. They are constantly updating the software and making it easier for the customers to use it. As of now, they have got plenty of good options when it comes to DFY templated. But very soon they will be releasing a lot of DFY templates and with time they will have a pretty solid template library for all tries of funnels or pages.


As ClickFunnels is been there for a longer time than GroovePages, they have a vast collection of DFY high converting battle-tested templates you can use in your sales funnel. You can also design and make changes to these templates according to your own needs. It’s very simple to do because you have to use drag-n-drop features.

It also uses advanced features like custom CSS which helps you in making changes while using the HTML code.

It provides you with 22 different types of sales funnel templates:

  • Event funnels
  • Sales Page Funnels
  • Lead capture funnels
  • Membership funnels

GroovePages Vs ClickFunnels Differences

  • Video Hosting

ClickFunnels does not offer video hosting service. And GroovePages offers video hosting service. So GroovePages clearly wins here. ClickFunnels needs a third party video hosting platform. Whereas GroovePages has GrooveVideo app that can can do the video hosting service.

In GrooveVideo You can:

  • Upload, host & track private videos
  • Add option forms to unlock a video
  • Add CTA banners on your videos
  • Customizable of video control player to your own branded colors
  • Shows analytics like unique views, impressions, total finished and watched time
  • 100GB of video content lifetime
  • Scope & Size

ClickFunnels has good scope in terms of learning and getting used to the sales funnels concepts, but it also also some shortcomings. Whereas GroovePages is growing stronger than ever before in terms of size and scope. GrooveFunnels gives you more power and control as far as online marketing is concerned clearly because they have got 19 other apps in one central dashboard to take your business to the next level.

  • Calendar

ClickFunnels is on the loosing side when you want your customers to book appointments because it does not have a tool which can look after this aspect. And if you plan to integrate such a tool it then it will be very costly. Whereas GrooveFunnels has GrooveCalendar app which lets you very easily schedule appointments and also integrates them into your sales funnels.

  • Helpdesk

GrooveFunnels has GrooveDesk which is now available and fully functional.

  • This will be built-in help desk like Zendesk with a high quality ticketing system
  • GrooveDesk can be integrated with GrooveSell so you can access your customer’s full profile, transaction history and billing actions ( refunds, cancellations, discount coupons, etc) tight within GrooveDesk
  • Embed your frequently used reply with a click on a button 
  • GrooveDesk will store every conversation in the cloud so that you can retrieve and download them at any time
  • Email integration with GrooveDesk
  • Available Now

ClickFunnels, on the other hand, does not have a Helpdesk app and they are not planning to launch such a tool anytime soon.

  • Blog And SEO Features

GroovePages is built with the latest JavaScript and for that reason, the load speed for web pages built with GroovePages is super fast as it preloads the whole HTML structure without pinging servers. SEO is directly related to speed, so web pages built with GroovePages will have this advantage. ClickFunnels uses older technology so it does not have that benefit.

New and fresh content in the form of blogs is also an important factor in SEO. ClickFunnels does not let your blog whereas GroovePages will deliver a purely functional platform for the blog by 2021.

On top of that if you want to monetize your blogs in GrooveBlogs with ads, then there is a section now to add your ad codes in the header, footer, and on the sidebar on your blog. ClickFunnels does not have this feature.

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